+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This file include all information's about Changes in the different Versions. | | The Value in the round brackets behind the version number is the release date.| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Version 4.3.210 - Bug Fix: Error while checking the value for K0015. Only values 0, 10 or 20 are allowed by the Q-DAS specification. The field will be used as a Tracefield command in the part program. Version 4.3.209 - Added the possibility to save a local copy of the Q-DAS ASCII file after the file is copied to the target folder. The local copy will be saved in the folder {Install directory}\PartData\Save Version 4.3.208 - Added the possibility to manually upload a file to ftp server. - Change in Ford naming rule to support also the new Global Measuring Point Label which is using up to 12 characters. The old 10charcter label is still supporte. The converter recognize the correct rule by the length of the label. Version 4.3.207 - Added support for K-Field K1005, K1102, K1206, K1302 and K1343 on part level. Values can be send by a tracefield command in part program. - Added support for K-Field K0014, K0015, K0016 und K0017 on characteristic level. Values can be send by a tracefield command in part program. K0015 can include only integer value 0, 10 or 20. Version 4.3.206 Fixed a problem with the positive reporting variable during DXF generation. Version 4.3.205 - POSITIVREPORTING will be used only for X,Y,Z - Removed PC-DMIS Version check Version 4.3.204 - Bug Fix: Use of Tracefield FileName as file name for Q-DAS ASCII file. Version 4.3.203 - POSITIVEREPORTING in Y will be supported. The Nominal, Tolerances and the Measured Values will be mirrored. Version 4.3.202 - Added a "\" to the ftp_cmd and the ftplog.txt file Version 4.3.201 - \PartData\Default.cfg file will be automatically installed - Uses Objekt Library of PC-DMIS 4.3 - ftp-Upload will be done now without an external script. - Change of language files to adjust to the new functionallity Version 4.2.212 - Feature with the last letter X, Y or Z was not used. Version 4.2.211 - When attaching programs the element name in PC-DMIS with the index of the attached program is extended (e.g. from element name one " Feat1" " CS1: Feat1") This extension is removed now with use Ford name regulation. - When using additional axis with element names with the ending P, F, S, E is replaced now the last letter by the oh designator. Thus e.g. U9AA915NCE becomes during the evaluation of the diameter U9AA915NCD or with the length of a slot U9AA915NCL. Before the last designation used thus e.g. U9AA915NCE: X U9AA915NCX Y U9AA915NCY Z U9AA915NCZ D U9AA915NCZ Therfore the data were arranged wrongly in the statistics. Version 4.2.210 - K2022 can be now set in the setup to a fixed number (independent of the Ford naming rule) - Stat commands ON, OFF, TRANSFER support removed from the code - Option buttons for Q-DAS catalog from SQL Database or DFD file removed - Possibility for ftp Upload using a script - User manual adjustments Version 4.2.209 - K2022 changed to value 2 if Ford naming rule is active Version 4.2.208 - All charactersitics with Axis letter M are using now the dimension ID if Ford rule for K2001 and K2002 is enabled. Version 4.2.207 - Problem within Ford name regulation solved (points with V ending were not correctly spent). The name of the previous characteristic was used. - K2434 was additionally workpiece-referred spent. Now this K-field is only characteristic-referred spent. Version 4.2.206 - K2130 and K2131 (plausibility borders down and above) added. In the Setup for both fields a factor were inserted, which multiplies the value for the respective plausibility border by the tolerance down and/or above results in. - Output error with field K2434 corrected (expenditure was missing). - Body mode is now dependent on the command possitives reporting (if this command in the program occurs, the expenditure on 1 is automatically used). Version 4.2.205 - K2434 is now defined for each single characteristic Version 4.2.204 - Fixed error with tracefield K8501 Version 4.2.203 - Fixed error during getting the axis letter in Online mode Version 4.2.202 Adjustments for Ford: K1007, K1210, K1303 added as Tracefield support. K2203 und K2434 added as Tracefield support for all features (/0). Added special Ford naming rule for key fields K2001 and K2002 . These rules can be activatet in the advanced settings area. Key K2001 will use the Ford 10 character feature label. The characters P, F, S und E on the last position will be replaced with the axis letter of PC-DMIS dimension command. Key K2002 will use the same value as K2001 with the extension " / XCOOR", " / YCOOR" oder " / ZCOOR". Checkbox "Support for Stat commands" removed from Setup dialog. Version 4.2.102 Fixed error with license check. Version 4.2.101 Added support for K Felder 1082,1085,1086 and 1087 Version 4.2.100 First Release for BMW Dingolfing +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+